Some people dream of a better world,
others create it every day.

Recycling is not a game.
Sustainability is a path and a must.

At Candam we believe in innovation and technology to transform the waste management sector and improve Smart Cities and their sustainability.

Alessandra Marsaglia


Vanessa Durán


Carlos del Corte

Business Director Spain

Jordi Berguinzo

Director & Co-Founder

Luis Vicent

Director of Operations

Benjamín Varese

Business Director International

Sergi Goday

CPO & Co-Founder 

Mario Gutiérrez

Director of Technology

We are a multidisciplinary team with an engineering mind,
an unstoppable attitude and a clear vision of the future.

Daniel Alonso

Firmware Test Engineer

Julio Alvarez

Machine Learning Engineer

Agustin Cortes

Software Developer

Felipe Ortiz

Firmware Test Engineer

Johan Martínez

R&D and QA Support

Iván González

Business Developer

Francesc Megias

Embedded Software Engineer

Pablo Alcón

Telecommunications Engineer

Ismael Coca

R&D and QA Support

Lucía Muniagurria

Costumer Success & Project Manager

Ionut Alexandru Mircea

Maintenance Operator

Some of our partners

Our main stakeholders supporting the company's mision and vision.

Isabel Ventura


Josep Miquel Torregrosa

Enion Partners

Gergely Ivancsics

Impact Ventures

Pedro Riera


If you want to join Candam's Smart Team send us your CV.