We are pleased to announce our partnership with Deposit Return Solutions UK to bring RecySmart – Reward as you Throw technology – to the UK. Deposit Return Solutions UK is a Buckinghamshire-based consultancy and solution provider addressing the challenges of the circular economy and deposit return schemes for producers and retailers.
Candam and their RecySmart device are the future of rewarding consumer recycling and deposit return schemes in the UK. The ability to integrate with industry-standard bins and the substantially lower cost compared to reverse vending machines make a circular economy driven by digital deposit return and rewarding schemes nearer and more affordable than ever.
The ability to integrate simply with existing infrastructure such as recycling points already in
existence at large retailer store locations, its ability to integrate with an existing store loyalty card
schemes and fit neatly into a future digital DRS making RecySmart a compelling argument for the UK
market ahead of the introduction of proposed deposit return schemes whilst making a big difference
to recycling rates right now.
We are very pleased to have built this partnership and look forward to bringing RecySmart to the
UK market, helping producers meet their future commitments under the proposed extended
producer responsibility scheme, providing cost-competitive reverse vending devices, incentivizing
consumers to recycle and give them more places in which to do so.
Peter Tichbon, Director at Deposit Return Solutions UK